Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Music Opportunity in Atlanta

There is plenty of music opportunity in Atlanta, but is it the land of milk and honey? Yes and No. Opportunity may be created if you are clear on what you want (have a definite chief aim or burning desire), create a practical plan and begin to execute that plan where you are (start immediately; learn as you grow).

Within business and the music industry in particular in order to achieve various degrees of success you'll need a music industry contact or contacts. You may find a music industry contact or contacts in the Atlanta Music Industry Connection Ebook, Music Showcases or a Music Conference.

When seeking a music opportunity in Atlanta consider the following:
  • What value do your bring to the table?
  • How will you help your business partner grow their business?
  • Why are you doing what you're doing -what's your motivation?
Having clearly answered these questions you should be in a better position to create mutually beneficial music business opportunities for yourself and others.

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